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I am so happy you're here! Please enjoy highlights from some of my favorite sessions and wedding days, and maybe a tip or two along the way.

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I'm Olivia B.

Alex C.


September 22, 2020

Alex’s senior portrait session last week left me absolutely floored by what awesome images we were able to capture! I’m not going to lie– sometimes I go into senior sessions with guys a little more nervous than usual. I never know how the guys will react/cooperate during their sessions, simply because I am well aware that there are a lot of things a 17-18 year old would rather be doing for an hour on the weekend! ðŸĪŠ

However, I genuinely couldn’t have been more pleased with Alex’s session and portraits in downtown Decatur! He listened to (and followed!) all of my crazy directions and ideas, and I really think the session was enjoyable for both of us. And if not, he made me believe he had a good time, anyway! 😉

It’s always super helpful when Will can come along to guy’s senior sessions with me. He (obviously) relates to them much more than I can, and his sense of humor helps to get the guys REALLY laughing too.

Alabama Senior Portrait Photographer
So maybe he wasn’t laughing in this one, but it was because we were channeling his inner Abercrombie model. I think he did a great job!
Alabama Senior Portrait Photographer
Another portrait that belongs in a catalog 🙌🏞
Alabama Senior Portrait Photographer

I hope you loved scrolling through some of my favorites from Alex’s senior portrait session! If you enjoyed this blog post, I’m sure you’ll love Jessie & Jolie’s senior session in downtown Birmingham, too!

All images shot by Olivia B. Photography, an Alabama Senior Portrait Photographer. Want to work with Olivia for your own senior portrait session? Reach out here!

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