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I am so happy you're here! Please enjoy highlights from some of my favorite sessions and wedding days, and maybe a tip or two along the way.

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I'm Olivia B.

Chilton County Senior Session | Morgan

Senior Spokesmodel

November 1, 2022

Morgan traveled up to Birmingham for her senior session, but wanted to still incorporate a rural vibe to her portraits to reflect on where she grew up and as a Chilton County Senior.  Not only did she want a rural feel, but wanted them to be classic.  I knew the perfect spots to make her vision a reality!

Senior Portrait Locations

We began her session at The Birmingham Botanical Gardens then we visited the Sibyl Temple to incorporate some classic portraits.  I love this spot as it offers incredible views, is classic, but less popular than other locations around the city.  It’s also covered, so even if a rain shower decides to randomly pop up, we can still continue taking photos (like Morgan’s session!).  We ended Morgan’s senior session at Railroad Park to take some photos in the grassy area, which is always a hit.  She wanted to take a few photos in her letterman jacket, and this was the perfect spot to do just that. I absolutely LOVE how her photos turned out, and she is such a natural!

Morgan has been such an asset to my Senior Spokesmodel Program this last year. I will miss her when she heads off to college!  She said her favorite part of being a part of the program so far was the meet & greet event and making new friendships she otherwise wouldn’t have made! It has been so much fun getting to know girls like Morgan.  I really have a dream job!

Morgan plans to go to Nursing School after highschool to pursue her dream of being a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit nurse. Her sweet spirit will bless so many lives, and I can’t wait to see what all she accomplishes next!

Interested in joining the next group for the Senior Spokesmodel Program? Stay tuned for updates and applications opening soon! I would love to chat with you more and document your senior year! 

In the meantime, here are some of Morgan’s stunning portraits reflecting on her time as a Chilton County Senior!

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